<% content_for :ribbon do %>
<% end %>

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<%= image_tag 'avatars/5.png', alt: 'img', class: 'online' %> Karrigan Mean shared a photo 1 days ago via Mobile, Sydney, Australia
<%= image_tag 'realestate/6.png', alt: 'img' %>
  • <%= image_tag 'avatars/sunny.png', alt: 'img', class: 'online' %> John Doe Looks like a nice house, when did you get it? Are we having the party there next week? ;)
  • <%= image_tag 'avatars/2.png', alt: 'img', class: 'online' %> Alice Wonder Seems cool.
  • <%= image_tag 'avatars/sunny.png', alt: 'img', class: 'online' %>

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<%= image_tag 'avatars/female.png', alt: 'img', class: 'margin-bottom-5 margin-top-5' %>
Jennifer Lezly Connect
<%= image_tag 'avatars/female.png', alt: 'img', class: 'margin-bottom-5 margin-top-5' %>
Jennifer Lezly Connect
<%= image_tag 'avatars/female.png', alt: 'img', class: 'margin-bottom-5 margin-top-5' %>
Jennifer Lezly Connect
<%= image_tag 'avatars/sunny.png', alt: 'img', class: 'online' %> John Doe sent you a message 1 days ago via Mobile, Dubai
Just landed in Dubai. My body must have lost like 4 liters of moisture, its 50 degrees here!!
<%= image_tag 'avatars/3.png', alt: 'img', class: 'offline' %> Alliz Yaen started a question poll 2 days ago via Mobile, Sydney, Australia
How did you guys like the movie "Albert The Einstine?" I reckon it was an awesome movie!
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<%= image_tag 'avatars/2.png', alt: 'img', class: 'busy' %> Posted by Karrigan Mean 3 minutes ago
Business Requirement Docs
<%= image_tag 'avatars/3.png', alt: 'img', class: 'offline' %> Posted by Alliz Yaen 2 days ago
Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidun
<%= image_tag 'avatars/4.png', alt: 'img', class: 'away' %> Posted by Barley Kartzukh 1 month ago
Tincidun nec Gasket Mask
<%= image_tag 'avatars/sunny.png', alt: 'img', class: 'busy' %> You shared a blog 1 days ago via Mobile, Sydney, Australia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque in mauris elit. Ut nec arcu pretium eros varius porta vitae sit amet ipsum. Suspendisse porttitor, libero in rutrum pretium, lectus arcu maximus massa, ut condimentum metus libero laoreet lectus. Phasellus a lectus pulvinar, lacinia sem quis, suscipit turpis.

Nam ipsum orci, blandit in lectus ut, viverra vehicula nisl. Proin eu arcu ut neque tempus viverra nec ac tellus. [Keep reading]

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  • <%= image_tag 'avatars/5.png', alt: '', class: 'online' %>
    Sadi Orlaf Hey did you meet the new board of director? He's a bit of an geek if you ask me...anyway here is the report you requested. I am off to launch with Lisa and Andrew, you wanna join?

    report-2013-demographic-report-annual-earnings.xls cancel save

  • <%= image_tag 'avatars/sunny.png', alt: '', class: 'online' %>
    John Doe Haha! Yeah I know what you mean. Thanks for the file Sadi!